QA & QC Policy

Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QC) Policy

Quality Assurance (QA) guarantees that clients receive healthy products and food ingredients that satisfy their needs. 


Our quality assurance is done using a systematic process to ensure our final food ingredients are reliable and safe so that consumers can use them confidently. 


The production process is strictly controlled at several checkpoints, namely, pre-production analysis (PPA), during production inspection (DPI), and after-production inspection (API).

Pre-production analysis

The first step of quality control (QC) begins when fruits and nuts are still on trees. Our company performs an annual analysis of the farms and farmers in the region by taking samples of the gardens. We use a ranking system of the samples to grade the best farmers and orchards. Their profiles are kept in our archives and base our objective judgment of the farms.

The knowledge-based screening process helps us access the best tree crops in the region in terms of physical characteristics (such as shape, flavor, and color) and microbial infestation of the raw fruits. Our source materials are chosen from the best tree crops that stand at the top of our ranking system.

During production inspection

The second step of quality control is when selected source materials are visually inspected for any signs of external contamination, physical damage, or stains by randomly taking samples during the production and conducting laboratory experimentations. The source materials that get through our first and second checkpoints will receive further processing using hand and machinery tools.

During this stage, care is taken to select only those raw materials that are free of any external contamination (molds and rotting), are physically undamaged, and have the most natural skin color.

After-production inspection

The quality control continues to avoid discrepancies between client order and what is produced. Ready-to-use food ingredients are cleanly packaged after production.

Consequently, no food product will pass through our QC checkpoints that are of poor quality or do not meet client requirements.